設置 LevelOne WBR-6011 無線寬頻路由器為無線網路基地台

Post date: Mar 05, 2014 3:0:1 PM

(1) 把電腦用網絡線接駁到寬頻路由器的任何一個 LAN Port (灰色接口位)

(2) 開啟瀏覽器 "" D-Link 寬頻路由器網頁管理介面

(3) 輸入系統管理者使用者名稱 (admin) 及密碼登入

(4) 前往 "Router Setup" 項內的 "Mode" 頁面

(5) 於 "Device Mode:" 項選取為 "Access Point"

(6) 於 "IP Address:" 及 "Subnet Mask:" 項填上適當 IP, 此固定 IP 應為現存網絡並未保留分配及不在 DHCP 自動分配的範圍內

(7) 按 "Save" 鈕 > 寬頻路由器會自動重新啟動

(8) 把現存網絡用網絡線接駁到寬頻路由器的 WAN Port (黃色接口位)

(9) 開啟瀏覽器填上固定 IP ("") LevelOne 寬頻路由器網頁管理介面

(10) 設定無線網路名稱 (SSID) 及 無線安全設定無線加密 (Wireless Security)

keyword 關鍵字 Tag 標籤 Access Point - The device links your Wireless Stations to your wired LAN. The Wireless stations and devices on the wired LAN are then on the same network, and can communicate with each other without regard for whether they are connected to the network via a wireless or wired connection.

This AP must be a valid device on your LAN, to allow management connections. You must assign a (fixed) IP address which is within the address range used on your LAN, but not within the address range used by your wired or wireless router with DHCP server enable in existing network.