
watchmouse.com - WatchMouse website monitoring service - DNS analysis

DNS Analysis - Host or domain name

who.is - DNS Lookup | Nameserver Lookup

Use our domain name tools to search for DNS and name server information for any domain name. Find information about the domain name's IP address, subdomains, IP location and name server locations. Also determine the domain name's TTL (Time to Live) from it's DNS record.

viewdns.info - DNS Record Lookup

View all configured DNS records (A, MX, CNAME etc.) for a specified domain name.

magic-net.info - DNS lookup. Reverse DNS lookup.

This tool is designed to make a comprehensive overview of information about given domain name. You can use this tool to perform different types of dns lookups such as SOA lookup, NS lookup, MX record lookup, CNAME lookup, SPF lookup, PTR lookup and other. This tool can also be used by penetration testers to gather the information about existing subdomains and installed management software (Plesk etc.). The information will be shown in next order: DNS lookup, subdomains lookup, IP whois, domain whois, management tools.

robtex.com - Domain Name Server records

When you connect to a service running at www.example.com, a query is sent using a resolver. The first recipients of the full query are the root servers that quickly reply by listing the authoritative name servers (in this case c.gtld-servers.net) responsible for ‘.com’. This is done because the root servers have no information on the IP of the full query. A new query is then initiated for each level, where the target is defined by the previous level, following the path downwards until the query matches the initial one. The response contains the IP-address (the A/AAAA-record) for the domain name. To make this less resource exhausting, cache servers are used to store results for a configured period of time, so that you do not have to query the root servers every time you want to perform a nslookup. By entering a domain name in the field above, you will get detailed information on the nameservers associated with a domain name.

dns.l4x.org - Search on dns.l4x.org tools

Fast and free DNS (Domain Name Service) resolver, ip2country and GeoIP service. Quickly find basic information of any host on the Internet. Show corresponding whois information and view graphical snapshots of the page.

lookupserver.com - DNS Lookup : Domain Name to DNS Information - Lookup Server

DNS record lookup service to find DNS information of a domain name.

intodns.com - intoDNS: checks DNS and mail servers health

IntoDNS checks the health and configuration and provides DNS report and mail servers report. And provides suggestions to fix and improve them, with references to protocols' official documentation.

dnstree.com - DNS tree

View DNS records (A, NS, MX, CNAME etc.) for a specified domain & subdomain hostname.

check-host.net - Multi-country domain resolving with DNS service Check host - online website monitoring

DNS checking is very usefull for monitoring domain of any website. It gets an entry for hostname or IP from nameservers in different countries at one time.

myiptest.com - DNS Lookup tool

This tool lets you look up a DNS record at the DNS servers of many popular Internet providers.

iptools.com - Ip Tools, DNS tools, internet tools, WHOIS, traceroute, ping, domain name tools

Check cached DNS at major ISPs - record A, MX, CNAME, NS, PRT, TXT etc.

viewdns.info - DNS Propagation Checker - ViewDNS.info

Check whether recent changes to DNS entries have propagated to DNS servers all over the world. Useful in troubleshooting DNS issues that appear to be isolated to one geographic region. Provides a status report on DNS propagation globally.

network-tools.com - NsLookup - Query the DNS for resource records

Traceroute, Ping, Domain Name Server (DNS) Lookup, WHOIS

72e.net - DNS查詢


find-ip-address.org - DNS Lookup - DNS Trace - DNS Test

DNS Lookup Tools is check tool for some of major DNS records such as A, MX, SoA, SPF...etc

hscripts.com - DNS Lookup Tool - Find DNS A, MX, CNAME, NS Records

DNS Lookup Tool to find DNS A, NS, MX, SOA, SPF, CNAME, AAAA records.

iptools.com - Ip Tools, DNS tools, internet tools, WHOIS, traceroute, ping, domain name tools

Look up DNS record(s) (ex. A, MX, NS)

websitepulse.com - Free Monitoring Test Tools by WebSitePulse

The HostName test performs DNS lookup and provides information about how a domain or hostname (www.yourdomain.com) is resolved to an IP address . Common use of the HostName test is to verify that the DNS records are correct and specific domain points to the correct IP address.

mxtoolbox.com - DNS Lookup - MxToolbox

All of your MX record, DNS, blacklist and SMTP diagnostics in one integrated tool. Input a domain name or IP Address or Host Name. Links in the results will guide you to other relevent tools and information. And you'll have a chronological history of your results.