bestvpnservice.com - Chinese Firewall Test
Check whether your website is accessible from China or not. This test will give you results from 5 different locations of China.
greatfirewallofchina.org - Great Firewall of China
Test a website address and see if it is blocked in China.
viewdns.info - Chinese Firewall Test
Checks whether a site is blocked by the Great Firewall of China. This test checks across a number of servers from various locations in mainland China to determine if access to the site provided is possible from behind the Great Firewall of China.
websitepulse.com - Proxy Checker - Website Test behind the Great Firewall of China
Test any website in real-time to check if it is accessible from China. The test shows if your website is available in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Hong Kong. Website Test Great Firewall of China - Golden Shield Project.
watchmouse.com - WatchMouse website monitoring service - Ping - IPv6 now supported, give it a shot!
Ping a server or web site using our network of over 30 monitoring stations worldwide.
webkaka.com - 網速測試,測網速,網速檢測,網站速度測試—卡卡網
ping.chinaz.com - 多個地點Ping服務器 - 站長工具
speed.linkhelper.cn - 網站速度測試網站速度檢測網站速度探測-站長幫手網