virustotal.com - VirusTotal Free Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner
VirusTotal is a free virus, malware and URL online scanning service. File checking is done with more than 40 antivirus solutions. Files and URLs can be sent via web interface upload, email, API or making use of VirusTotal's browser extensions and desktop applications.
Scan websites with multiple reputation engines and domains blacklists to check if the website is safe and legitimate. Free network tools for webmasters and system administrators.
trafficlight.bitdefender.com - Bitdefender TrafficLight
Test website for malware, phishing, pretends to be a financial institution, escrow scam, facebook scam, phishing attack, unsolicited email messages, online casino scam, employment scam, mony loan scam, pay-per-click, piracy , online dating scam
google.com- Google Safe Browsing 安全瀏覽診斷網頁
Safe Browsing is a service provided by Google that enables applications to check URLs against Google's constantly updated lists of suspected phishing and malware pages.
safeweb.norton.com - Norton Safe Web 此網站是否安全 | 網站安全 | 諾頓網頁安全
查詢網站,取得我們的分級。大家都知道 Internet 浩瀚無垠,存在著許多線上威脅,像是病毒、網路釣魚和間諜程式等等,還有許多惡名昭彰的網站,這些網站會嘗試欺騙您、竊取您的信用卡號碼或密碼,甚至會讓您的電腦當機。當您在造訪網站後才發現已中計並已受到傷害,此時已防備不及。所以,您該如何在造訪網站之前瞭解網站是否有安全風險? 諾頓網頁安全是賽門鐵克提供的新信譽服務。 我們的伺服器可以分析網站,來瞭解這些網站是如何影響您與您的電腦。
avgthreatlabs.com - AVG Threat Labs | Safety Ratings | Web Site Reports
AVG Threat Labs tests websites for dangerous web threats. View the free Web site safety report and learn more.
siteadvisor.com - McAfee SiteAdvisor 軟體 - 網站安全評等及安全搜尋
McAfee SiteAdvisor 測試 是否有廣告軟體、垃圾郵件、騙局及電子郵件活動
global.sitesafety.trendmicro.com - Trend Micro Site Safety Center
This free service has been made available so that you can check the safety of a particular URL that might seem suspicious. Trend Micro reserves the right to block automated programs from submitting large numbers of URLs for analysis.
siteinspector.comodo.com - Malware Online Scanning - Comodeo Site Inspector Online Scan
Malware Online Scan - To start, simply enter the URL of a webpage in the space above and click "START THE SCAN", After the scan is complete, you will be able to view a malware report, This free service will scan only a single page at a time.
websitepulse.com - IP Blacklist Check by WebSitePulse
The IP Blacklist Test queries the major DNS Blacklists, and returns whether it is blacklisted for possible malicious activities as spamming or proxy relay.
blacklistalert.org - Email Problem ? - Test if your IP or DOMAIN is blacklisted in a spamdatabase
Undelivered Email ? - Test if your IP or DOMAIN is blacklisted in a spamdatabse.
browserdefender.com - Browser Security Software | Browser Defender
The Browser Defender toolbar allows you to surf safely by displaying site ratings as you browse the internet. Sites will be checked by our server and a rating will show in the toolbar based on any malicious behavior or threats we have discovered to be associated with the site.
This free online tool allows you to scan for any suspicious link that might lead you to harmful threats which can attack your computer.
webutation.net - Webutation - Website Reputation Community against fraud and badware
Webutation scan's websites against ongoing malware scripts and collects realtime user feedback and experience. It is free & open! Safe Surfing!
urlquery.net - urlQuery - Free online URL scanner
urlQuery.net is a service for scanning URLs and detecting web-based malware. It provides detailed information about the actions a browser takes while visiting an site.
webscan.360.cn - 360網站安全檢測 - 在線安全檢測,網站漏洞修復
union.rising.com.cn - 瑞星雲安全網站聯盟
針對網站密碼系統、網站漏洞信息、網站掛馬信息、垃圾郵件、常見漏洞、常見注入和常見跨站進行專業檢測,通過全面的分析報告,為管理員提供快速修復網站密碼安全隱患的建議。 83%的網站存在SQL注入,跨站腳本等40餘類漏洞。及時檢測修復可有效防止掛馬、數據洩露和破壞等嚴重問題,遏制安全漏洞威脅共建網絡安全。